Research Group Tetko
- January 1: AIDD project started
- November 4: Nature Communication article was published
- May 7-10: BIGCHEM School at AstraZeneca
- April 2: Invited lecture at "Merck Science Dialogue" in recognition of 350 years of Merck and 120 years of Merck Russia
- January 24: Skoltech press-release about our article "Comparative Study of Multitask Toxicity Modeling on a Broad Chemical Space"
- November 28: two new articles in Molecular Informatics
- November 21- 27: Dr. Tetko was invited Professor at the lab of Prof. Aixia Yan at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
- October 22 - November 2: Dr. Tetko was invited Professor at the University of Strasbourg, France
- 1 September: Dr. Monica Campillos has joined as the Project Manager of BIGCHEM Horizon2020 project
- 25-29 June: whole group participated to BIGCHEM School during Chemoinformatics Strasbourg Summer School 2018
- May 22-23: Dr. Tetko was speaker 1st French-Israeli Workshop on Cheminformatics at Bar Ilan University, Israel
- 4-6 May: 2018 International Conference on Computational Chemistry and Toxicology in Environmental Science, Taichung, Taiwan
- 21-23 April: invited seminar and lectures at Cheminformatics workshop at Shiraz, Iran
- 5-8 April: invited talk at Third International School-Seminar "From Empirical to Predictive chemistry", Kazan, Russia
- 8-9 March: invited talk "Predicting stability of chemical compounds" at SLAS Europe Compound Management Conference, Berlin
- 23 February: invited talk "Becoming an entrepreneur in Germany: a personal experience" at Russian-German Life Science Talk, Moscow, Russia
- 8-9 February: Dr. Karpov and Dr. Tetko took part at German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers, Berlin
- 23-27 October: Midterm review of BIGCHEM project
- 4-6 October: STB retreat at Haus Bergkranz
- 1 October: Mrs Zhonghua Xia has joined as PhD fellow from China Scholarship Council
- 18-19 September: PhD defense of Guangchao Chen at the University of Leiden
- 1 September: Dr. Pavel Karpov has joined within ERA CVD Cardio-Oncology project
- 1 August: Dr. Ekaterina Ratkova started as a scientist at AstraZeneca
- 27-29 June: kick-off meeting of ERA-CVD Cardio-oncology project
- 25-26 April: Invited lecture "Big Data in Chemistry" at Skoltech & MIT Conference: “Shaping the Future: Big Data, Biomedicine and Frontier Technologies”
- 19-21 April: BIGCHEM School "Chemical Databases" at Barcelona
- 1 January : Mr. Dipan Ghosh has started as a BIGCHEM ESR fellow
- 8 September: Dr. Tetko was selected as a member of the executive board of European Neural Network Society (ENNS)
- 1 September: Mr. Michael Withnall started as a BIGCHEM ESR fellow
- 26 August: Dr. Tetko gave an invited lecture "Challenges and Opportunities for Big Data Analysis in Chemistry" at theInnopolis University
- 16 August: Dr. Tetko gave an invited lecture "On-line CHEMical database and Modeling environment and “Big Data” at the Skoltech University
- 28 July: Article "BIGCHEM: Challenges and Opportunities for Big Data Analysis in Chemistry" is published in Molecular Informatics.
- 4 July: Article "A renaissance of neural networks in drug discovery" is published in Expert Opin. Drug Discov. It analyses recent tendencies in neural networks development and their relevance for the drug discovery field.
- 1 July: Invited lecture of Dr. Tetko at the Chemoinformatics Strasbourg Summer School
- 30 June: Dr. Ratkova received a best poster award at the Chemoinformatics Strasbourg Summer School
- 23 June: BrrrExit? No, we moved to b. 44. By-by b. 60w!
- 15 June: Dr. Tetko is in Elsevier’s list of the Most Cited Researchers (Computer Sci. & Eng. category)
- 16 May: Chem. Res. Toxicol. article describing rank-I model of EPA ToxCast challenge is published
- 4 April: recruitment meeting of BIGCHEM MSC ITN EID
- 1 March: Mrs. Barbara Gasset has joined as Project Manager of BIGCHEM MSC ITN EID
- 23 February: Collaborative Estrogen Receptor Activity Project (CERAPP) article in Environ. Health. Perspect. is published on-line
- 10 February: Ten doctoral (PhD) positions within Horizon2020 BIGCHEM MSC ITN EID are announced
- 4 February: Front. Environ. Sci. article describing models, which won the Tox21 Data Challenge 2014, is published
- 26 January: Our publication in JBS received 2016 SLAS ReadersChoice Awards
- 8 January: Dr. Igor Tetko was nominated as F1000 faculty member
- 1 January: Dr. Ekaterina Ratkova has started as AvH postdoc