Research Group Sattler


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Practicals and Thesis Opportunities

Practicals, "Mitarbeit am Arbeitsplatz"
Practicals and lab rotations are available in protein/RNA biochemistry,  (basic) NMR experiments and analysis of protein or RNA spectra. Please send a CV (short!) to Hanso Kang ( for further information.
Bachelor or Master theses

Bachelor and master thesis projects are available in the area of biological NMR and biochemical studies of proteins, RNA and protein ligand complexes. Please directly contact Michael Sattler (
Doctoral theses
Doctoral thesis projects are available in different aspects of our research:
Structural biology of proteins, RNA, protein complexes linked to RNA biology (splicing, non-coding RNAs), peroxisomal biogenesis or cellular signaling.
NMR methods, integrated structural biology (i.e. combining NMR with small-angle scattering)
Please directly contact Michael Sattler ( for inquiries.